Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Floating Bath-House

The Marietta Register, June 24, 1880

Another ornamental and useful addition has recently been made to the river prospect of our park in the shape of a floating bath-house. There has long been felt the need of some institutions of this character, and after having been discussed for a time, has come to be a reality under the supervision of a number of our prominent citizens. 

The Bath has been built at an expense of over three hundred dollars and is designed solely for the enjoyment and benefit of the public. A small fee is charged each bather to defray incidental expenses and in the course of time pay the cost of construction. After the Bath has paid for itself, all surplus funds are to be placed in the hands of the Park Commissioners to use as they see fit.

The bathing house is built upon a float, 46 feet in length and 24 feet in width. In the center of the float, which protrudes about four inches above the level of the river, is the bathing tank. The tank is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide and has a movable bottom which can be raised or depressed any distance between seven and two feet.

Two feet back from the tank are the dressing rooms, fifteen in number, ranged in rows about the sides and ends of the float. Each of these dressing rooms is four feet by four and supplied with a glass, chair and a foot-bath twenty inches in depth.

The entire structure is covered with a neat, colored awning and surmounted with a turret. The superstructure is built of light material, in portable sections, in order that it may be safely stored away at the end of each season.

Certain days will be set apart on which the ladies are to have the exclusive use of the Bath. A reliable and competent person will be in constant attendance and the utmost safety is assured.

The gentlemen under whose directions the Bath has been constructed have formally organized under the name of The Floating Bath Company. At their last regular meeting the following officers were elected and a set of rules adopted. President - Dr. Sam Hart, Treasurer - Col. R. L. Nye, Board of Managers - A. B. Waters, Mr. C. B. Hall, and Dr. Z. D. Walter.


1. On entering the Boat a fee of 10 cents will be paid and the name registered.
2. Bathing suits will be required, and if furnished by the Boat, five cents extra will be charged.
3. Twelve tickets will be given for one dollar in advance.
4. Children in companies of 10 or more under 14 years of age will be admitted for five cents each.
5. One hour will be allowed for a bath.
6. No child under eight (8) years of age will be admitted without a competent attendant.
7. Ladies may have exclusive use of the Boat with the female attendant from 8 to 10 A.M.
8. Bathing hours from 7 A.M. to 12 P.M. and from 1 to 10 P.M.
9. No spectators can be admitted.
10. The Boat will be closed on Sunday.


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