Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halloweeners Make Merry

The Marietta Daily Times, November 1, 1944

Several hundred adults and children in masquerade costumes participated in the Halloween parade Tuesday evening and succeeded in making an evening of merriment and fun for thousands of Mariettans on the sidelines and at the municipal stadium. Prizes were awarded in the various classifications, and altogether 18 envelopes containing war savings stamps were given the winners after the committee of judges completed what was a difficult task.

The annual community Halloween celebration was a successful one sponsored for the 20th year by Marietta Lions Club as one of its civic projects. Cooperation was given by citizens generally, and the celebration was concluded with a theatre party at the Hippodrome. Marietta High School Band, directed by G. Gordon Ritter; Salem-Liberty School Band; and the Norwood Drum Corps, all in full regalia, had places in the parade which was headed by Highway Patrol motorcycle escort and the emblematic Lion's Cage.

Dr. W. L. Sackett, assisted by other members of the Lions Club, distributed the prizes from a truck platform at the stadium, where all prize winners were presented. Eighty-five year old Charles A. Cook of 314 Front Street, who came here recently from Tacoma, Washington, to find persons who might remember his family, was awarded first prize in the men's fancy dress costume. He wore his "Abraham Lincoln" outfit in which he has been characterized in parades in other cities.

Other prize winners in classifications were Georgianna Johnson of 348 Pike Street, Vivian Kilzer of 321 Harmar Street, Mrs. Arthur Schwartz of 131 Euclid Avenue, Betty House of 735 Sixth Street, John Wilford of Marietta, Gary Bishman of 417 Fort Street, Teddy Barnes of 812 Phillips Street, Ronnie Hackathorn of 316 Harmar Street, Billy Lee Miller of 729 Fourth Street, Judith Ann Dearth of Walnut Hills, Patricia Miller of Marietta R. 4, Lee Hadley of 500 Fifth Street, Melvin Douthitt of Gilman Avenue, Mrs. Robert Barnhart of Ninth Street, Mrs. Rector Carpenter of Walnut Drive, Joe A. Matthews and Kay Ellen Matthews of 108 Harmar Street.

Costume judges were Charles J. Otto, Clayton D. Porter, Mrs. Augusta K. Bedilion, all of Marietta, and Mrs. Faye R. Abicht, teacher in Salem-Liberty High School at Lower Salem.


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