Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Henderson Trust Sale

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, November 7, 1827

Under the authority of a deed of trust made to the subscribers by Alexander Henderson of Wood County and his wife for the benefit of Richard H. Henderson & others, dated the 11th of December 1825 and recorded in the Clerk's office of said County court of Wood, Deed Book No. 6, page 651, will be offered for sale for cash before the front door of the court house in Leesburg, Loudoun County, Virginia, on the 26th day of January, 1828, the tract of land in said deed described.

This is one of the finest farms in all Western Virginia, & take it altogether, none is known more attractive. It is situated in the county of Wood, immediately on the Ohio, and consists of upwards of 400 acres of rich bottom, beside the hill land adjoining. The bottom is all cleared and in cultivation, and yields the most abundant crops, it is about half a mile wide and never overflows.

The improvements are excellent, a large, new and commodious dwelling, a spacious barn, still-house, &c. &c. extensive orchards of choice fruits, and first rate meadows.

The estate is about 12 miles above Marietta and 24 above Parkersburg. A good market for its small productions is afforded by the boats which continually ply before it, and one of the routes examined for the projected Baltimore Railroad strikes the Ohio at this estate. The islands in front of the tract, as described in the deed, will be sold with it. A farmer, grazier, or active man of business would find this place every way worth his enquiry; and for picturesque beauty of situation and prospect, it is almost unrivaled. The undersigned convey the title vested in them, which is believed to be sound.

Erasmus G. Hamilton
James McIlhany

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