Wednesday, February 26, 2020

New Council to Furnish Post Quarters

The Marietta Daily Times, December 4, 1931

Further effort to provide financial aid by the city for members of the colored post of the American Legion will be left to Mayor Steadman and the City Council that will take office on January 1. This was decided at a regular meeting of City Council held Thursday evening. All members were present and the final report on the matter was offered by Gerald M. Schuff, chairman of a special committee to which the request of the Legionnaires was referred a month ago.

Colored members of the Legion asked that the city give them the same sort of help that has been given to members of Marietta Post which has free rent for its quarters in the city building at Front and Butler streets. The colored post's headquarters are located in private property and the annual rental of $120 is said to be a burden, particularly in view of the fact that the post is a small one.

A partial report was given to City Council two weeks ago at which time there was discussion of authorizing an annual expenditure of any sum not in excess of $600. This was so much more than the Legionnaires had requested that unfavorable comment resulted. Now it has been decided to let the next administration, which must finance the program, work out the solution.

Chairman Schuff said Thursday evening that the city has a room in the building where the Chamber of Commerce, the city electric plant and Marietta Post American Legion are located and it is believed that this can be made available for the post. Mayor Steadman and Service Director Campbell have indicated that this can be done. Such a solution will provide quarters that are well located and at but small expense to the city, it is said.

The council approved the committee's recommendation to refer the whole matter for further investigation.


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