Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Girl Fights Instructor

Marietta Daily Times, February 1, 1912

Trouble Reported at Lynch School House

A battle between a girl pupil and a woman teacher, with a resultant strike that brought the attendance at the Lynch school down to a single little boy, is giving the board of education of Fearing Township something to cudgel its brains over, according to reports that have reached this city. The story is given below as it comes from the neighborhood where the school is located.

A difficulty between the teacher, Miss Crawford of Coal Run, and a girl pupil named Jordan, whose home is at or near Caywood, occurred when the head of the school took the girl to task for something she had done. The young woman was unruly, however, and proceeded to mix things up with the instructor in real rough-house style. Miss Crawford was seized by the hair and pulled and jerked about for a time. It was a tough battle, but the teacher finally regained control of the school.

But the other boys and girls took side with the pupil against the teacher, led to do this by desire for a holiday as much as anything else, perhaps, and consequently they declared a strike and said that they would not come back to school as long as Miss Crawford is the teacher.

Wednesday there was only one pupil at school, it is reported. He was a little boy who did not want to attend, but his mother made him attend as usual.

The matter is receiving the attention of the township board of education. 


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