Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Stop Thief!

American Friend, May 8, 1818

Twenty Dollars Reward.

Ran away from the subscriber, on Sunday March the 29th, a black man named HARRY, formerly owned by Capt. Compton, and Mr. Higgs of Wood county, Va. Said Harry is about fifty years of age, stout made, about five feet five or six inches high, generally wears a bushy grey beard, and is of a silent, sullen disposition, unless he has been drinking liquor.

He had on a dark linsey woolsey round jacket, buckskin pantaloons and very large shoes: he has likewise a bundle of summer clothing. When he went off, he stole a black mare, a brown surtout coat, an English musket with double eights, and several smaller articles. The mare has since been recovered.

He will probably tarry at some of the towns on the Ohio, or proceed further back. The above reward will be paid for securing him, by

                                               C. Schultz, Wood Co.
                                                           Near Marietta, Ohio.

May 7th, 1818.

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