Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Barlow Burglary

 The Marietta Register, May 6, 1880

Barlow, Ohio, April 26th 1880.

Mr. Editor:

On Thursday night, April 22d, some miserable starved out sneaks broke into Dudley Hartson's cellar between 10 and 5 o'clock, and took therefrom one five gallon jar of butter and a three gallon jar of lard. They also visited the meat barrel and fruit cupboard. 

We presume the sneaks thought we would think the things were taken in the afternoon, as it was known the family were absent, but we happened to know for certain that all was right in the cellar between 5 and 6 in the evening. 

We are satisfied they are no strangers to our house or cellar. They left very plain footprints in the soft mud of the cellar bottom, one quite long with narrow heel, apparently that of a woman, wearing about a No. 7 shoe. The other rather short and thick with nails in heels and toes, undoubtedly that of a man. We do not imagine they came from afar.

The good people of Barlow will do well to keep their outside cellar doors locked and not leave their houses alone night or day. This is not the first time by some half dozen or so that we have missed small articles, such as corn, soap, sweet potatoes, chickens, apples, eggs and other things, and we think it about time to take some measures to dry up such business.


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