Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Sad Christmas

 Marietta Tri-Weekly Register, December 24, 1891

Marietta will have a sad Christmas. The prevailing epidemic is affecting someone in almost every family. This sickness appears to be seeking the weak places in the weak subjects in attacks and several deaths have occurred, while many others are dangerously sick. As we write, the notes of the funeral dirge of Col. Phillips fall upon the ear; the remains of Dr. Addy and George Irish are in affectionate waiting for the last rites. Dr. Seth Hart, the veteran physician, is hover on the border line, while anxious watch is held over the bedside of many who are frail and very sick. What we say of Marietta is also true of many places in the county. Many who for a day or two were quite sick are up and at their duties again, but not strong and vigorous.

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