Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Fight at Marshall's Hall

 The Marietta Register, August 26, 1880

One of the worst fights ever known in Marietta occurred at the dance at Marshall's Hall on Greene Street Monday night. Sundry fights of lesser magnitude were going on all through the evening till about ten o'clock, when they culminated in a grand wholesale riot and continued for nearly two hours, till the parties desisted from sheer exhaustion. An adjournment was then made to the street, but the police there kept them under a little, though it was nearly two o'clock in the morning before all was quiet.

The trouble, we are told, originated some time before, in Becker Brothers' saloon, between a young fellow named Tom Highland and Weirick [Weyrich] the bartender. The fight Monday night began by someone pitching upon Weirick. His father was in the room at the time, being a member of Becker's Orchestra and, with the rest of the band, took his son's part. A lot of fellows downstairs rushed up and the fight became general.

Tuesday morning men were around everywhere with sore and broken heads. No revolvers were used or knives plunged, but chairs were hurled into splinters and one man, Jake Schlicher, was wounded so badly on the head that he is hardly expected to live. The one who struck him is not fully identified. Some said it was a man named McCue, others did not know.

It was a fight between "Texas" and the "Stockade" and a disgrace to the city. Where the chief blame rests it is for others to determine, but it is very unfortunate that such an affair occurred.

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