Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Marietta Olio, February 8, 1873

Among the students of Marietta College, sliding seems to be the order of the day; not sliding off from recitation, for that, it is too early in the term, nor into someone's affections, for they are already there, nor yet off without paying a wash bill, but down Mills' Hill to the detriment of passersby, and in fact all over town.

There has been more sleighing this year than any we remember for some time past. Jingle, jingle from one end of the town to the other, some on chairs elevated upon upon runners, others upon inverted goods boxes, while still others in real sleighs. 

The active individuals of '76, partly to evince their class spirit, and partly to show what verdancy could be gotten together, took a grand sleighing under the guidance of Parson Cooke, Jr. This group meeting one of the Professors, of course, cheered him, he waving his hat in return, but the same efforts in reference to a higher official failed, as he accidentally stepped into a store just about that time.

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