Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Improvements in Marietta

Marietta Intelligencer, October 2, 1852

Many new buildings have been erected in Marietta this season, and many others have been enlarged - some by the additions of wings, and quite a number by the addition of a story. Among the latter we notice the School House on Church Street, which has had a very commodious upper story put on and is now one of the finest looking buildings on "the point."

The Marietta Hotel on Ohio Street, kept by Mr. Charles Moseley, has had a third story put up and been otherwise enlarged.

Messrs. Slocomb have put a third story on to their shoe shop on Greene Street, and thus obtained two large and very convenient rooms for the occupancy of an increased number of hands. It is, really, a very great pity that the whole block is not raised another story.

Curtis & Bro. have greatly enlarged their store-room by extending the building back.

Bosworth, Wells & Co. have put up large ware-rooms in the rear of their sales-rooms.

These are but a few of the recent improvements we notice in the neighborhood of our office.

We shall endeavor ere long to ascertain how many new buildings have been erected in the corporation within a year past. We suspect that but few of our citizens realize how rapidly the upper ward is gaining upon "the point" in population and improvements.

There is one thing which we fear is not sufficiently considered by those who are erecting buildings in the more closely settled parts of the town, and that is that the hazard of fire has been enormously increased of late by the erection of frame buildings. Sooner or later our town authorities will be called on to prohibit the erection of frame buildings within a certain distance of other buildings, and not unlikely they may require the removal of some already erected. There are too many places in the first ward where a small frame building, worth from $50 to $200, could hardly be burned without firing a score of valuable business establishments or dwelling houses. Let our citizens think of these things in time.

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