Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Peoples Bank Plans Ten Story Building

 The Marietta Daily Times, June 30, 1919

Erection of a modern ten-story banking and office building at the corner of Putnam and Second streets, considered the best corner site in Marietta, is contemplated by The Peoples Banking and Trust Company. In line with this plan it has purchased the building owned by the Blume Realty Company on Putnam Street, now occupied by the Roby Book Store, and the building owned by Charles Schneider. Both properties adjoining the Mills building on the corner, which was purchased by the banking company some time ago. Options had been held for some time by the trust company on both buildings, the Schneider deal, which was made through John M. Doan, being closed today.

The Mills Building, Putnam and Second Streets, Marietta, Ohio.

Officials of the bank have taken the matter of plans for a building up with various architectural firms and although no definite plans have been adopted, it is certain that the new structure will be of the most modern construction and will embody office facilities of the best sort.

It is understood that the building purchased from the Blume Realty Co. will be allowed to stand as it is, making possible better lighting facilities for the banking room and lower floor office rooms of the new building.

It is expected that the alley separating the Mills building and the Schneider building will be bridged over in the construction of the new building, thus leaving an entrance for the other buildings fronting on Putnam Street.

Officials at the trust company do not know when the proposed construction will begin, but it is believed that work will be started early next spring.

Embodying as it will the much needed extension of office room in the downtown business district, the new structure will fill a great need. In addition to the utility, the building will add greatly to the appearance of Putnam Street and will be a distinct improvement for the entire city.


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