Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Stop the Horsethief

 American Friend, August 24 1821

Ran away from the subscriber on Saturday 14th inst. near Ripley, 


about thirty-five years of age, about six feet high, light complexion, blue eyes, long visage, one tooth stands inside the natural row on the upper jaw, and straight built. He had on a blue cotton surtout, linen overalls, and a smooth castor hat.

Since he made his escape he has changed his name.

The above Deming stole a horse about one year ago, and the subscribers had caught him and were bringing him to condign punishment when the rascal made his escape.

A reward of twenty-five dollars will be paid to any person who will apprehend said Thief, and give such information as will enable the subscribers to get him, by placing him in the nearest jail.

A letter directed to the Post Office at Point Harmar, Washington County Ohio will be received.

John Smith
Robert Campbell

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