Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Many Towns Named After Pioneer City

 Sunday Morning Observer, August 26, 1917

Name is a good one, but is cause of much trouble to postal clerks.

"Marietta" seems to be a most popular name for towns in the United States and at the present time, Uncle Sam has fifteen Marietta post offices, each located in a different state.

These post offices are as follows: 

Marietta, Ohio
Marietta, Oklahoma
Marietta, Alabama
Marietta, Georgia
Marietta, Florida
Marietta, Illinois
Marietta, Kansas
Marietta, Minnesota
Marietta, Mississippi
Marietta, New York
Marietta, North Carolina
Marietta, South Carolina
Marietta, Pennsylvania
Marietta, Texas
Marietta, Washington

Assistant Postmaster Asa McCoy, remarking about the many towns bearing the Pioneer City's name, said that not a day passes but the local post office clerks receive mail intended for a Marietta in some other state. He said the worst difficulty is experienced in sorting the mail when letters are found addressed either to Marietta, Ohio, or to Marietta, Okla. Both Ohio and Okla. contain four letters each and clerks taking the word at first glance cast the letter into a mail bag going West instead of the one coming East.

This causes a general mix-up and the letter will probably make its round of the different Marietta before it arrives at its right place.

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