Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Halloween at Marietta College

 The College Olio, November 17, 1883

It is the general opinion that Halloween carryings on are utterly useless and barren of results. For the past twenty years there has been a regular programme for the night, which has been more or less strictly adhered to. The evening is begun by four class suppers, after which each class marches to the campus, accompanied by the music of two-cent tin horns. A fire is next kindled with boxes, barber poles and other paraphernalia collected on Front Street. Then follows a rope pull between the Sophomores and Freshmen. The rest of the evening is consumed in successful or futile efforts of the lower classes to burn each other in effigy. For several years this programme has not been fully carried out. This year the solitude of the Dormitory was undisturbed except by Freshman tin music. In all probability this is the last year Halloween will be celebrated.

The most cruel deed that was done Halloween by the boys was to frighten several of the young ladies of the city, who had assembled just across the street from the Campus, from carrying into execution their long-formed plans. They had intended to consult the oracles that night in regard to their future by walking around a square at midnight and performing various other superstitious acts. However, as the boys made their appearance about that hour, the young ladies dispersed to their homes.

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