Wednesday, October 13, 2021

New Washing Machine

The Marietta Intelligencer, June 18, 1846


Belpre, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1845.
We have used Mr. Clark's Washington Machine, and find it superior to any that we have used, cleansing the clothes with less ware and labor.
Edwin Guthrie
Hugh Wiley
Seymour Clough

Tupper's Plains, Nov. 15, 1845
I have used Mr. Clark's Washing Machine and find it superior to any that I have ever used. The saving of labor is equal to one half, and without any ware to clothes; when washed they are much cleaner.
Susan Green

This may certify that we have been using Mr. Nathaniel Clark's Washing Machine for about six months, and find it to be superior to any other that we have ever had. My wife says that it saves half of the labor, and it makes the clothes much cleaner.
Marietta, Nov. 24, 1845. Joseph Kelly

This is to certify that Mr. Nathaniel Clark, of Marietta, Washington county, O. left with my wife a Metallic Washing Machine, which he claims as his own invention. On using it in my family, I was informed by my wife that it answered a much better purpose than one made of wood, or any wooden one that she ever had used. In consequence thereof, I recommend the same pattern to the public, for its superiority to any other machine whatever.
Marietta, O. Nov. 24, 1845. J. Gabaudan

My family have one of Mr. Clark's Washing Machines in use, and fully concur in the above recommendation.
William Holden

I have had one of Mr. Clark's Machines in use in my family, and find it to be superior to any other machine we ever used or saw in use.
Marietta, Dec. 16 1845. John O. Cram.

We fully concur in the above. It is an excellent machine for the purpose named.
A. L. Guitteau
S. P. Hildreth
Clark Middleeswart
Owen Franks
William Fay
B. F. Dyar
Selden N. Merriam
John Swift
Charlotte Cockings
E. Gates
Robert Lyon
Eliza Jennings

This is to certify that I have seen used most kinds of Washing Machines; but the Washing Machine that Mr. N. Clark has invented is the best that I have seen. My wife says she can wash clothes as clean with his machine, without boiling, as she can with the old fashion with boiling, and they look much cleaner, and it saves one half the labor and soap.
Darius Towsley, of Marietta, O.

A supply of these Machines may be found at W. Holden's Store, or at the Shop of the manufacturer, in Marietta.

N. Clark
June 17, 1846


  1. Nathaniel Clark was a great Potter as well. He was the mentor for my great great grand uncle Alexander Morrison who moved to New York and became a partner in Morrison and Carr with the famous British potter James Carr. After dissolving Morrison and Carr Alexander founded J E Jeffords Pottery in Philadelphia with my great grandfather John Eliot Jeffords. Elizabeth Jeffords

  2. Elizabeth - I am the archaeologist excavating the Nathaniel Clark pottery in Marietta. I would like to talk to you about Clark and your relative Alexander Morrison! Please contact me at Thank you.
