Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Mayor Makes Proclamation

 Marietta Daily Times, November 16, 1918

At this morning's session of court, Mayor Crawford issued the following statements:

My experience as police judge of this city has fully convinced me that by far the greater portion of juvenile delinquency and criminality is attributable, directly or indirectly, to mothers and fathers who have the insane idea that the sooner they get their children from "under foot" the better, and that is is the duty of the juvenile judge, the police officer, or perchance the mayor, to train up their families for them. The parent animal does better than this for it not only raises and trains its own young, but stoutly resists outside interference.

I have issued orders that the Curfew ordinance of this city be enforced to the letter, and further that all boys under eighteen years of age who make a practice of loafing and hanging around public pool and billiard halls with a cigarette in their mouth are to be summarily arrested and brought before me.

The workings of the recent health order has shown me that nearly all of our "gutter snipe" drunkenness comes from "bar drinking" and "treating," so that I have also given orders that the anti-treating ordinance is the only remedy just now available and will be strictly enforced.

I feel that the laws and ordinances upon which the above orders are based are just and wholesome, and I believe that every law-abiding and self-respecting man and woman in Marietta will rally to the support of our police force in carrying them into execution.

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