Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Marietta to Have a Christmas Tree

The Register-Leader, December 19, 1916

Marietta is assured of a Community Christmas celebration. The glad tidings were heralded after the Christmas Celebration committee of the Chamber of Commerce met Monday afternoon.

It was reported to the committee that $45.75 had been collected or subscribed during the day, and with the filing of this report, the celebration became assured, as the committee had funds previously subscribed amounting to about $60. It can be readily seen, however, than an additional amount is yet needed to defray the expense of the dinner for poor children and the program.

In past years the Community Tree on the court house lawn has not cost the committee anything, the pine and its decorations having been donated. This year, it is believed will be no exception, and the Community Yule Tree is expected to shine forth its tidings to all Marietta during Christmas week.

It was decided that supper should be held Thursday, December 28th at 5 o'clock. The committee will ask the managers of the Armory for the use of the basement floor for the supper. The idea of holding the supper on Thursday is due to the fact that Christmas day is a very busy one for most folks and then many baskets are sent to the people who will be invited to the supper. The tickets are being printed and will be given out through the schools this week. Mr. DeVore has charge of this work.

The Christmas Sing will be held on Monday afternoon at 4:30 and will be in charge of Prof. Bird. The program will take place on the court house steps unless the weather is bad. In that case the proposition made by some kind citizen to pay the rent on the opera house will be accepted. Several hundred voices will very likely take part in the sing. 

The big tree will be placed in front of the court house this week, and will be lighted the first time on Monday night. The securing and placing of the tree will be in charge of Mr. DeVore. He has a tree in mind and he says will be the biggest one ever used here. One of the electrical companies will be asked to trim and light it.

The supper will be in charge of Mrs. Becker, and the trimming of the small tree and the buying of the candy and whatever presents are to be given will be in the hands of Mrs. Gaitree. Mrs.. Middleswart and Miss Fell are also members of the committee and will assist the two mentioned ladies in their work. 

One thing the committee would like to announce this year and that is that the supper will not be open to the public. Only those having tickets will be admitted, unless through special permission by the committee. The committee will hold another meeting Friday afternoon. Until there is notice to the effect that enough money is in hand, the public is asked to please give the matter of a small donation serious consideration.

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