Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Four Boys To Be Whipped Soundly By Court Order

 The Marietta Daily Times, November 20, 1922

Four Norwood boys, Charles and Cecil Duff, Homer Hendricks and Samuel Brown, are to be whipped soundly before they are put to bed tonight, and the fathers of the youngsters will administer the lacings under direction of Judge Schramm of the juvenile court. This is being done in an effort to make the boys quit swearing and fighting.

Representatives of the three families, who appear to have engaged in a neighborhood fuss on East Greene Street, were before Judge Schramm on Monday morning, and the facts showed that the two Duff boys have been fighting the Hendricks and Brown boys, and the four, by their fistic encounters and profane talk, have become an unbearable nuisance at the Norwood school and along the streets between the school house and their homes.

An extended effort on the part of Judge Schramm was necessary to straighten out the tangle, but the facts finally were related by the boys. Then promises were exacted and the applications of hickory oil were prescribed. The fathers were cautioned to make the whippings sound ones and they promised to obey orders.

The fact was developed during the hearing that conditions at the Duff home are not what they should be. There are eight children in the family and while the father is a hard worker, his wages won't keep things going and want stalks about the place. The court will endeavor to assist the family, not only in providing the necessities of life, but in the management of their home.

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