Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Post for Colored Veterans

The Marietta Daily Times, March 18, 1947

Preliminary steps for organization of an American Legion post for colored veterans of Washington County were taken at a meeting held Monday night in the court house assembly room.

Harold Butler, 713 Ninth Street, was chosen temporary chairman and James Burke temporary secretary. These two officers will preside at a meeting of all county veterans to be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Second Street. The chairman, plus Donald Mason and Dwight Butler, were named as a committee to round up potential members.

There are approximately 130 colored veterans of World Wars I and II in Washington County, it was announced at the meeting, all eligible for membership in the proposed Legion post. Former members of local Legion posts for colored veterans were present at the Monday night meeting and several local vets now members of organizations in other cities announced their intention to join the Washington County post.

E. W. Stephan, county veterans' service officer, was chairman of the organization meeting. He introduced Ed Smith, field representative of the American Legion, and Fred Nolan of local veteran organizations, who talked on Legion work and veteran activities.

"There is a definite place in the Legion for you veterans," Field Representative Smith said "and there is work for you to do in your own community. We were all in service for the same purpose and we all now have the same problems to solve. This can only be accomplished by organization."

H. A. Dye, commander of Marietta Post No. 64, assured the colored veterans their organization would have the support and cooperation of local Legionnaires. Fred Nolan made the same statement for the Disabled Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars. A large group of local Legionnaires attended the meeting. Later war pictures were shown by representatives of the local Army recruiting station.

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