Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Female Education

American Friend, December 7, 1821.

The Trustees of the Muskingum Academy in Marietta have the satisfaction to announce to the Publick that arrangements have been made for opening a school in one of the apartments of the Academy, in connection with the school of Mr. Slocomb, for the instruction of young Ladies and Misses in the solid and ornamental branches of female education; and that Miss Goldthwait, recently from New England, where she has been engaged a number of years in the education of young ladies, will take charge of the same.

The school was opened on Monday, the 3d inst. The quarterly tuition will be, for reading, writing, English grammer, arithmetick, geography, rhetorick and composition - $3.00.

For drawing, painting, embroidery, &c. (in addition), $5.00.

Arrangements have also been made for the accommodation of 8 or 10 young ladies with boarding near the Academy at $1.50 per week.

It is believed that the qualifications and experience of Miss Goldthwait are such as to ensure satisfaction to those parents who shall intrust their daughters to her care; and that the most scrupulous attention will be given to the manners and morals of her pupils.

Marietta, Dec. 1, 1821.

N.B. Scholars must be furnished with Cummings Geography and Atlas, Walker's Dictionary & Murray's Grammar. Those likewise who have Watts on the mind, Mason on self-knowledge, Young's night thoughts, Thompson's seasons, or Cowper's poems are requested to bring them.

The Printers in Zanesville are requested to give the above an insertion in their respective papers.


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