Wednesday, March 30, 2022

House of Ill Repute

The Marietta Daily Times, October 3, 1904 

A charge of keeping a house of ill fame was made by Chief Dye against Mrs. Angenora Robinson in the Mayor's court this morning. She is to be heard this afternoon.

Saturday evening Chief Dye and other officers raided Mrs. Robinson's house on Church Street. Three young women, Minnie Matthews, Irene Williams and Helen Hutton, and Frank Mouts, the latter of Parkersburg, were arrested and lodged in jail. A young Marietta man got away by a dash up Church Street at the critical moment.

Arraigned before the Mayor yesterday, the three women were charged with violating a rule of the Board of Health designed for the prevention of disease. They plead guilty, were fined $50 and costs, and sent back.

It is understood that Mouts is being held as a witness against Mrs. Robinson. She had maintained for the past few years that she is a reformed woman and does not tolerate vice.

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