Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Eden, Alias Muskingum

Columbian Centinel, June 6, 1792

It is supposed that the New City to be erected in a certain part of this Commonwealth will be called Eden, alias Muskingum New - and from the eminently prolifick genius of the Projector, it is not doubted that every tree of the Western Paradise will soon be introduced into it: Pumpkin-trees, Custard-trees, Shirt and Jacket trees; with many other of incredible magnitude and fertility.

Nay it is whispered that the Mammoth species of animals will be recovered and raised here, by planting the teeth in hotbeds of a particular preparation. Botanical gardens will abound; and Butterflies of all countries and of every hue will be here collected. Every citizen will be a virtuolo, and the infant of days, a minute philosopher. 

Numbers are confident that the place may be easily made a sea-port; and considerable progress towards it is made already, by clearing the Muskingum river, which communicates with the Agawam, and so with the ocean. Merchants from all quarters of the globe are to bring their treasures, and Princes their glory and honour to this city - but no enemy can possibly come near

Perhaps it would be extravagant to say that this city will have no need of the Sun or of the Moon to shine in it; but the light of the Gospel, the good-natured inhabitants have long dispensed with, to give time to the Bishop to pursue his sublime speculations.

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