Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Finish Local Movie Film

 Marietta Daily Times, March 3, 1915

Messrs. Guillette and Harris completed their photo-play, "A Princess's Visit to Marietta" last evening when the local post-office, the post-master and his assistants were photographed at the west side of the Government building. In filming this picture, twelve hundred feet of negative was exposed, views being taken of many of the interesting places of Marietta.

The local young man who played the part of king will go under the stage name as King Baggott and in escorting the queen, also a local young lady, over the city, will be complimented in his fine acting. Interior scenes of Marietta's large concerns were taken and large crowds followed the actors over the city as the "movies" were taken.

The film was taken to New York last evening and after being developed and finished will be brought here for one week and then given to other cities. Mr. Sybert of the Hippodrome, who made possible this unique affair, stated today that he expected the film to be completed and thrown on the screen at the Hipp beginning Monday night.

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