Sunday, May 8, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 19

The Marietta Register, January 19, 1864

"Old Marietta papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson editor of "The Marietta Register."

We noticed last week the appointment of David Morris to succeed Henry P. Wilcox as P.M.; he only held the office a few months, when some time about August 1825, he was succeeded by D. H. Buell, Esq.

Jan. 9, 1826, Martha, daughter of Chambers Calhoun of Marietta, a little girl of 10 years, caught her dress while standing at the fire and was so badly burned that she died within a few days.

Jan. 14, 1826, two steamboats built at James Whitney's shipyard, the "Coosa" and the "Warrior," were launched - built by Mr. Whitney for Capt. James W. Byrne and Capt. Benjamin Horner, the Coosa for the Alabama River and the Warrior on the Tombigbee.

March 4, 18256, George Dunlevy and A. V. D. Joline issued a Prospectus for the "Marietta and Washington County Pilot" to make its first issue on April 7th.

March 6, 1826, election in the corporation of Marietta, which had now been divided into three wards - three Trustees elected to each ward - 1st, James M. Booth, Wyllys Hall and James Dunn; 2d, James Whitney, John P. Mayberry, John Crawford; 3d, Silas Cook, John Mills, John Clark. These constituted the Town Council, which appointed James M. Booth first Mayor of Marietta; John Mills, Recorder; James Whitney, Treasurer; Daniel Protsman, Marshal.

April 23, 1826, Rev. Luther G. Bingham installed as pastor of the Congregational Church in Marietta.

July 4, 1826, celebration at Congregational Church, oration by Arius Nye, Esq.

Col. Harry Hill and Lieut. Col. R. Prentiss having resigned, Maj. John Stone of Belpre was elected Colonel; Capt. Anselm t. Nye, Lieut. Colonel; and Capt. George W. Barker, Major, about this date.

Aug. 16, 1826, James Glines, a young man of 17, was killed by a tree falling upon him which his father and brother (William Glines, Esq., of this city) were chopping down near where Samson Cole now lives; the top was caught, which threw round the butt, knocking young Glines down and falling upon him.

Oct. 1, 1826, William & Miles Woodford advertise for cloth-dressing at Paine's Mill in Watertown; and John Green & Oliver Dodge advertise that their "Steam Mill on Point Harmar is in operation and ready to receive wheat, for which they will pay 37-1/2 cents per bushel, half in goods at their store in Marietta, and half in cash."

Election in 1826

The vote in Marietta stood - For Governor, Allen Trimble 120; Benjamin Tappan 78; John Bigger 5; Alexander Campbell 1. For Congress, Samuel F. Vinton 133; D. H. Buell 57; William Kendall 14. For Representative, William R. Putnam 108; James M. Booth 87. For Commissioners, 3 years, William Pitt Putnam 88; Jabish F. Palmer 74. 1 year, Silas Cook 155. For Sheriff, Jesse Loring 129; Timothy Buell 65. For Coroner, Griffin Greene 161; Amos Dunham 27.

In the county the vote stood - For Governor, Trimble 679; Tappan 260; Bigger 11; Campbell 26. Congress, Vinton 761; Buell 196; Kendall 19. Representative, Putnam 473; Booth 367. Commissioners, 3 years, Putnam 448; Palmer 315; Joel Tuttle 89; Seth Baker 61. 1 year, Cook 531; Seth Baker 295. Sheriff, Loring 617; Buell 340. Coroner, Greene 475; Dunham 446.

County Fair

The first Agricultural and Mechanical Fair ever held in Washington County was in Marietta, Oct. 18, 1826. The committee of arrangements consisted of Nahum Ward, S. P. Hildreth and John Mills. Capt. F. Devol was Marshal of the day. The President of the Society was Joseph Barker, Jr.; Nahum Ward was Corresponding Secretary, and William A. Whittlesey, Recording Secretary. The procession was formed at the Court House and with music marched to the front of the Congregational Church, where an address was delivered by President Barker. Dinner at 3 o'clock; and the awards announced at 4.

Several awards were made to persons who are now subscribers to the Register, as follows: Col. John Stone of Belpre for best cow $10, 2d best merino ram $1, for greatest crop of wheat - 4 acres, 32 and 3-20th bushel per acre - a Winan's patent plow valued at $10. George Dana of Belpre, 2d largest hog $1. Henry Fearing, greatest crop of corn - within a small fraction of 105 bushels per acre on 4 acres - a Sinan's $10 plow. William P. Putnam, 2d best crop of corn, 98-3/4 bushel per acre on 4 acres. O. R. Loring and William P. Putnam for cheese; and Mrs. William P. Putnam for a beautiful specimen of linen; and we may add Stephen Dana of Newport for 1/2 acre, 176 bushels, of potatoes.

Marriages in 1826:

Jan. 1, William Glines and Eliza Truesdell.
Jan. 1, S. John Cameron and Martha Atkinson, both of Barlow.
March 16, Thomas Ridgeway and Esther Ann Dyer, both of Union.
March 23, Peter B. Lake of Wesley and Caroline Wilson of Adams.
April 3, in Belpre, Capt. Hopson Beebe of Athens and Mrs. Rebecca Warren.
April 13, William Shields and Catharine Nulton, both of Watertown.
April 12, Charles Haskell of Marietta and Elizabeth H. Dana of Newport.
April 20, Maj. Jesse Hildebrand and Mrs. Senith Fowler of Fearing.
June 8, Benjamin M. Brown and Maria Lord, both of Wesley.
July 7, Hugh Ferry of Wood Co., Va., and Jane Brough of Marietta.
Aug. 8, Salmon Reckard of Marietta and Susan Stacy of Union.
Aug. 10, George W. Henderson and Elizabeth Ann Tomlinson of Wood Co., Va.
Aug. 27, Nathaniel Holden and Frances S. Buell.
Sept. 3, James Posey of Marietta and Miss Ann Racer of Newport. "She ran the Race. He gained the prize, A premium fair and rosy - As will all maidens, if they're wise, But all can't have a Posey."
Sept. 9th, Benjamin Soule and Lucinda Shanklin.
Oct. 12, James Dunn of Marietta and Mrs. Rachel Rolston of Va.
Nov. 9, John Bizer of Warren and Samantha Finch of Belpre.
Nov. 15, Christopher Burlingame, Jr., and Elizabeth R. Bartlett.

Deaths in 1826:

April 14, in Watertown, Thomas Johnson, a revolutionary soldier, 90.
April 26, in Detroit, William W. Petit, formerly of Marietta.
May 6, in Kaskaskia, Ill., Valentine Duncan of Marietta, 24.
May 11, in Louisville, Isaac Barstow of Newport.
May 17, Mrs. Eunice Hall, 70.
May 19, John L. Mackey.
May 26, in Aurelius, Esther, wife of Benjamin Corp, 69.
May 29, Calvin Reckard, 66.
July 26, in Gallipolis, Gen. Nathaniel S. Cushing.
Aug. 2, in Belpre, Adaline, wife of Jesse Loring, Esq.
Aug. 6, Dudley Tyler, 34.
Aug. 27, George Washington Lafayette, child of Nahum Ward.
Sept. 3, in Fearing, James White.
Sept. 26, Pamelia, daughter of William Dana, Esq., 15.
Sept. 29, in Watertown, Eliza B., daughter of Elias Wolcott, aged 19.
Nov. 20, in Parkersburg, Nathaniel Dodge, Jr., formerly of Marietta.
Dec. 15, in Lancaster, Nathaniel C. Gilman, formerly of Marietta.

Items from the "Friend" in 1827:

March 8, 1827, Levi Keyes began teaching in the Muskingum Academy.

April 9, 1827, a meeting was held at the Court House to take measures to induce the Directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to make Marietta a point - Joseph Barker, Jr., President, and Nahum Ward, Secretary. Joseph Barker, D. Woodbridge, S. P. Hildreth, James M. Booth, William R. Putnam, Nahum Ward and John Mills were appointed a committee to correspond with the Directors. That railroad only reached the Ohio river over 25 years afterwards, Jan. 1, 1853. Similar meetings were held at Athens, McConnelsville and Zanesville. In Aug., `827, a party of Surveyors, under Col. Joseph Barker, left Marietta to explore the route to Clarksburg, Va.

April 15, 1827, John Moore of this township was killed by a tree falling upon him while on horseback with his wife, who was severely injured.

October 18, 1827, the second annual Agricultural Fair was held in Marietta; William Pitt Putnam of Belpre was now President of the Society.

Nov. 12, 1827, the Corps of Engineers appointed by the Legislature to survey the Muskingum river, with reference to its improvement, arrived at Marietta, having completed their work, and reported "a favorable result."

Election in 1827

Washington County now polled a larger vote than ever before - 1257. The vote stood - For Senator, William R. Putnam 1051; Ebenezer Currier of Athens 206. (Dea. Putnam had 379 majority in the district.) For Representative, Arius Nye 825; Joseph Barker 425. For Commissioner, Anselm T. Nye 657; Ebenezer Gates 498; Jabish F. Palmer 49; John D. Chamberlain 2. For Auditor, William A. Whittlesey, re-elected without opposition, 1241. For Treasurer, Weston Thomas, no opposition, 1211. For Assessor, Jesse Loring, no opposition, 1243.

This was the first time that a County Treasurer was elected by the people - previously appointed by the Commissioners. A County Assessor was elected also for the first time, but the office was afterwards abolished, Township Assessors taking the place.

For Senator, Marietta voted, Putnam 251; Currier 28; and for Representative, Arius Nye 193; Joseph Barker 87.

Marriages in 1827:

Jan. 1, John V. Fletcher of Adams and Dorcas Emmons of Marietta.
Jan. 1, Clark Pratt and Cynthia Mees.
Jan 28, David C. Skinner and Eliza P. McFarland.
Feb. 20, Edwin West and Mary Gardner.
Feb. 25, Thomas Hall and Mary Carver.
Feb. 25, John K. Moore and Mrs. Catharine Smith.
Feb. 25, Richard Bodkin of Belpre and Mrs. Mary McCullough of Marietta.
March 11, Thomas Robbins and Mrs. Mary Smith.
March 30, Dan Hill and Mary Merriam, both of Salem.
April 4, Emery Bailey and Sophronia Maxon, both of Fearing.
April 5, Thomas M. Burns of Athens and Tabitha Bailey of Fearing.
April 10, Col. Francis A. Barker of Morgan Co and Catharine Barker of this county.
April 19, Marvin Swan of Belpre and Margaret Calder of Warren.
April 22, Jesse Loring, Esq., and Maria Fisher, both of Belpre.
April 26, Jonathan Sprague, Jr., of Adams and Melissa Smith of Union.
May 24, Hugh Allison and Drusilla Davis, both of Adams.
May 24, Willard Davis and Caroline Shepard, both of Adams.
July 1, Benaiah Howe and Mrs. Abigail Tyler.
July 15, Harry Cogswell of Marietta and Elizabeth Carlisle of Union.
Sept. 4, Perley Howe of Belpre and Sarah Emerson of Marietta.
Sept. 3, Jonas Livermore and Sally Wills.
Sept. 9, Andrew Livermore and Betsey Fuller.
Sept. 20, Clark Middleswart and Cynthia Barstow, both of Newport.
Oct. 11, William Lamb of Waterford and Christiana Fraser of Warren.
Oct. 11, Jonathan Hoff of Marietta and Louisa Greene of Warren.

Deaths in 1827:

Apr. 15, the wife of John Miller.
Apr. 17, in Fearing, John H. White.
May 21, Mrs. Stephen Davis.
May 23, Mrs. Frances S., wife of Nathaniel Holden.
May 27, Maria, daughter of George Crawford, aged 21.
Aug. 9, George Hildebrand, 73.
Oct. 14, Nancy, wife of Enoch Hoff, 41.
Nov. 29, Thomas Mixer, 26.


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