Sunday, May 15, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 20

 The Marietta Register, February 5, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

As would appear from the papers, there was more political excitement in Marietta in 1828 than at any previous time. The "Friend" was the advocate for the re-election of John Quincy Adams to the Presidency, while the "Pilot" supported Gen. Jackson. The campaign opened early. The Adams State Convention, to nominate an Electoral Ticket, was held just before New Year's - Dec. 28, 1827. The Delegates present from this county were David Putnam, Sen., Dea. William R. Putnam and Arius Nye.

March 3, 1828, Town Council elected. 1st ward, James M. Booth, Otis Wheeler, John Cotton; 2d ward, James Whitney, David Putnam, Charles Bosworth; 3d ward, John Clark, John Mills, Royal Prentiss.

April 10, 1828, John Mills and Luther Edgerton give notice that they had formed a mercantile partnership.

At this date Charles F. Guysi was carrying on the "Tinning Business" in Marietta; August Hanson, the Tailoring Business; David Gilbert, Boot and Shoe Making.

April 26, 1828, the "Pilot" was printed and circulated with the letters of its head transposed by some means so as to read "LIPOT," causing no little merriment in town. The Friend thus noticed the change:  "A Sign. Mr. Joline's editorial matter, for once, has a true heading. It came out last Saturday under the appropriate title of the LIPOT. Whether he has blundered into the truth, or whether he has just begun to practice on his motto of "No Concealment," we pretend not to determine. If he really means to fight no longer under false colors, he will do himself some little honor for candor, if not for truth."

Among those whose names were published in May 1828, as leading Jackson men, we notice the following who are now living and who utterly repudiate the spurious Democracy of today, and are unconditional Union men, to wit: Sampson Cole, John M. Plumer, Ezra O'Neal, William Warren, Jr., James Dutton, Jr. - the last two not now using the "Jr."

June, 1828, there were only seven "regular physicians and surgeons" in Washington county, to wit: Drs. S. P. Hildreth, John Cotton, Morris German, Seth Hart, George Bowen, Ebenezer Bowen, and George N. Gilbert.

June 21, 1828, in Fearing, Jonathan Job, son of David Chapman, was killed by the kick of a horse, aged 8 years.

July 4, 1828, celebration at Congregational Church, Declaration read by William P. Skinner, Oration by Mr. David Barber - Chief Marshal, Capt. Billy Todd.

Aug. 20, 1828, a balloon 16 ft. in height was sent up from the vicinity of the Court House. It went up to the supposed height of about a mile, was in the air 25 minutes, and descended without injury. It was sent up again at night, with a light attached.

It was on the occasion of the Adams [supporters] County Convention, of which Judge Walter Curtis was Chairman, and Dr. S. P. Hildreth, Sec'y.

Dec. 3, the watch-maker's shop of D. B. Anderson was broken open and robbed of 42 watches, some of them gold ones.

State Election in 1828 - This was the most exciting election that had ever been held in Washington County, to that date, and a larger vote was polled than ever before - 1497. The total vote of Marietta (the entire township) was 291.

The vote of the county stood - For governor, Allen Trimble 930, John W. Campbell 567; Congress, Samuel F. Vinton 936, George House 556; Representative, Arius Nye 917, Morris German 569; Sheriff, Robert R. Greene 854, Silas cook 628; Commissioner, Seth Baker 928, Ebenezer Gates 567; Coroner, Griffin Greene 912, Junia Jennings 566.

The Administration (Adams) majority for Governor was 363.

Presidential Election in 1828 - The fight was warm in this county, between the Adams men and the Jackson men; but the Adams men triumphed by 390 majority - increase from the State election, 27.

The following table gives the vote of the county in 1828, by townships, for Governor and for President:

For Governor:
Adams - Trimble 28 / Campbell 27
Aurelius -  29 / 19
Barlow - 45 / 8
Belpre - 122 / 14
Decatur - 28 / 00
Fearing - 63 / 34
Grandview - 18 / 33
Lawrence - 11 / 45
Ludlow - 00 / 41
Marietta - 184 / 107
Newport - 51 / 13
Roxbury - 29 / 41
Salem - 25 / 25
Union - 64 / 30
Warren - 42 / 54
Waterford - 96 / 25
Watertown - 81 / 35
Wesley - 23 / 16
Total - 930 / 567
Majority - 363

For President:
Adams - Adams 47 / Jackson 35
Aurelius -  21 / 21
Barlow - 47 / 17
Belpre - 146 / 11
Decatur - 28 / 00
Fearing - 65 / 39
Grandview - 28 / 38
Lawrence - 17 / 45
Ludlow - 2 / 52
Marietta - 199 / 114
Newport - 51 / 23
Roxbury - 37 / 50
Salem - 38 / 31
Union - 64 / 32
Warren - 43 / 61
Waterford - 126 / 52
Watertown - 100 / 47
Wesley - 27 / 28
Total - 1086 / 696
Majority - 390

The total vote of the county at the Presidential Election in 1828 was 1782, an increase of 285 over the State Election immediately preceding, the largest vote previously given in the county.

Marriages in 1828:

March 4, John Lewis and Miss Frances Gates.
March 25th, Silas Slocomb and Deborah P. Cone.
April 10, John Stacy of Union and Louisiana W. Frost of Adams.
June 29, Samuel Collis of Wesley and Betsey Elvira Howe of Marietta.
Aug. 7, Joseph O'Neal of Belpre and Eunice Cole of Warren. 
Sept. 1, Capt. Billy Todd and Helen Joline.
Nov. 10, Elijah Mason and Maria Pratt, both of Adams.
Nov. 28, Anselm T. Nye and Rebecca Cram.
Nov. 30th, Benjamin F. Carlisle of Union and Clarissa Chapman of Fearing.
Dec. 7, in Fearing, Asa Fuller and Eliza Toothaker.
Dec. 14th, Benjamin Racer, Jr., and Sidnah Posey.

Deaths in 1828:

June 3, Mrs. Rebecca, wife of Col. Augustus Stone.
June 13, Mrs. Fanny, wife of O. R. Loring, 32.
June 16th, Mrs. Sybil, widow of Joshua Shipman, 59.
Sept. 29, in Belpre, Charles Medberry, 37.
Nov. 15, in Waterford, Capt. Jeremiah Greenman, 71.

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