Sunday, May 22, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 21

 The Marietta Register, February 12, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

Jan. 1, 1829, "Morgan & Co." (David T. Morgan, now [1864] of Washington, Pa.) advertise to continue the merchandizing business, before done in the name of D. Woodbridge.

About this time the firm of "Shipman & Woodbridge" was in business. James Dunn and Baylies Phillips were rival hatters. "Dobbins & McElfresh" started a new iron foundry in Harmar called the "Washington Foundry," a "little north of the Steam Mill," in Jan. 1829. Lewis Mixer began the Tinner's business.

May, 1829, David C. Skinner was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys in Marietta under Jackson's Administration, in place of John P. Mayberry; and A. V. D. Joline, editor of the "Pilot," was appointed Postmaster in place of D. H. Buell, removed - both party removals, neither Mr. Mayberry or Mr. Buell having advocated the election of Jackson.

June 24, 1829, the steamboat Kanawha exploded at Guyandotte, instantly killing 4, within a short time 4 more died, 3 were severely injured, and 12 others were injured more or less. Capt. Hiram Burch of Marietta was one of the Pilots - not at the time on watch - and was thrown into the river and considerably bruised.

June 28, 1829, the "New Road from Marietta to Zanesville, by way of McConnelsville," was advertised as "opened and ready for traveling" - Mail Stage to travel it by July 15. The "Old Road" went to the east of McConnelsville, and to Zanesville by the way of Chandlersville.

July 16, 1829, Jeremiah Dyar of Lancaster, Mass., here on a visit to his friends, died from severe injuries received by falling from a horse three miles up the Muskingum, while riding to town in company with his brother, two days before - 48 years old.

Oct. 1829, Col. Levi Barber removed from the Post Office at Harmar to make room for Dr. Morris German, who was a Jackson man.

Election in 1829:

The vote of Washington County stood - For Senator, Calvary Morris 570; Isaac Humphreys 522; Nahum Ward 122. Representative, Joseph Barker, Jr., 672; Timothy Buell 526; Silas Hobby 1. Commissioner, 3 years, Joel Tuttle 633; Silas Cook 543; W. P. Putnam 22. Commissioner, 2 6ears, Jabish F. Palmer 685; Philip Cole 508. Auditor, William A. Whittlesey 699; Hiram A. Buell 508. Treasurer, Royal Prentiss 672; Samuel H. Gates 539. Assessor, Jesse Loring 696; Samuel Beach 511.

The vote was not nearly as large as in the year before. The opponents of Jackson triumphed by about 150 majority.

In the Senatorial District - Washington, Athens and Hocking counties - Morris had 1234, Humphreys 915, Ward 488.

The vote of Marietta stood - Senator, Morris 123, Humphreys 93, Ward 34. Representative, Barker 148, Buell 89.

Marriages in 1829:

Jan. 1, John L. Gage, Esq., of McConnelsville and Miss Frances D. Barker of Union - now so widely known as "Aunt Fanny.
Jan. 1, in Fearing, John Sawtell and Matilda Rood.
Jan. 20th, Henry Dawes of Morgan Co., and Sarah Cutler, of Warren.
Jan. 21st, Nathaniel Holden and Julia Shipman.
Feb. 10, Enoch Hoff and Mrs. Elizabeth Murray.
March 12, Josiah M. Larkin and Sarah Sweet, both of Newport.
Apr. 3, Samuel L. Howe of Licking Co., and Catharine Perrin of Adams.
Apr. 12th, in Adams, Hiram Paget and Jane Simons.
Apr. 19th, Tunis Middleswart and Abigail A. Barstow, both of Newport.
July 1, Harris Springer and Philindra Starling, both of Watertown.
July 2d, Col. Augustus Stone of Harmar and Miss Charlotte Putnam of Belpre.
July 15th, Hiram Beach and Almonia Mixer.
Aug. 25, Eliphalet Dow and Catharine Ryan.
Aug. 27th, Walter Davis and Caroline M. Otis, both of Union.
Sept. 17, S. r. Leonard of Muskingum Co., and Jane Rowland of Newport.
Nov. 8, William J. Thorniley and Esther Smith.
Nov. 29, Johnson Young of Pa., and Susanna Middleswart of Newport.
Dec. 9, William Devol and Helen Putnam, both of Union.
Dec. 21st, D. H. Buell, Esq., and Miss Theodosia Hall.

Deaths in 1829:

Jan. 21, Mrs. Phebe, wife of D. H. Buell, Esq.
Apr. 8, in Wheeling, William H. Shipman, formerly of Marietta.
June 2, Miss Hannah G. Clogston, 25.
July 6, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Aaron Lyon, 31.
July 22d, in Waterford, Thomas Seely, 61.
Aug. 13, in Union, suddenly, John Russel, 65.
Aug. 14th, in Wheeling, Joshua Shipman, formerly of Marietta, 31.
Aug. 17th, Miss Catharine H., daughter of David Putnam, Sr., 17.
Aug. 28th, in Cincinnati, George Stanley, formerly of Marietta, 21.
Sept. 8, in Fearing, Mrs. Clarissa, wife of Benjamin F. Carlisle, 33.
Nov. 30, Samuel D. McIntosh, 27.
Nov. 17th, Elizabeth, wife of Enoch Hoff.
Dec. 23, in Newport, Mrs. Melissa, wife of Joseph Barker, Jr.

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