Sunday, May 29, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 22

The Marietta Register,  February 19, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

Jan. 2, 1830, the farmers in some parts of the county were complaining of the depredations of wolves; and in order to effect their destruction a private bounty was offered for each scalp, in addition to that paid by the State and County - in all $10 for the scalp of an old wolf. Can any one inform us when the last wolf was killed in Washington County?

Jan. 5, 1830, the steamer "Atlantic" built by James Whitney for a party in Jeffersonville, Ind., took her departure down river - said to be (to that time) "one of the best boats ever built in America."

Jan. 28, 1830, A. T. Nye advertised that he had bought the Marietta Foundry and was ready to fill orders for castings.

Feb. !3, 1830, Col. Joseph Barker of Union was elected an Associate Judge for this county.

Apr. 10, 1830, Rev. L. G. Bingham published a communication in regard to the "Infant School" then in "successful operation" - 75 pupils between the ages of three and twelve - teachers Miss Phebe Battelle of Newport, Miss Eliza Buck of Marietta, "assisted by Archibald Cowan, a lad eight years old."

May 1830, the publication of the "Marietta and Washington County Pilot" was suspended. It was a Jackson paper and its publication was commenced April 1826.

June 22, 1830, the dwelling house and clothier's works of Jasher Taylor, in Marietta, were destroyed by fire.

July 4, 1830, there was a "Jackson Celebration" in Marietta. Judge Joseph Wood, President of the day; Isaac Humphreys and Samuel Beach, Vice Presidents. Address by Col. Joseph Barker. Toasts by Silas Cook, Samuel H. Gates, E. Deming, Esq., Philip Cole, Esq., D. C. Skinner, N. Ward, and Augustine G. Monroe.

July 19, 1830, Bazil Norman of Roxbury, a man of color and a soldier of the Revolution, aged 73, was killed by falling from a precipice, twelve feet high, while returning home by torch-light from watching a deer lick.

July 31, 1830, we find the first notice of a Temperance Society in Marietta - Ephraim Emerson, President; Rev. Jacob Young and Robert Crawford, Vice Presidents; Rev. L. G. Bingham, Sec'y; Wyllys Hall, Treas.; Caleb Emerson, Junia Jennings, Douglas Putnam and Samuel Shipman, Executive Committee.

Aug. 3, 1830, at the raising of a steam saw-mill in Harmar, Samuel Null was almost instantly killed by a fall of about twenty feet from the frame.

Nov. 10, 1830, William Lucius, son of D. H. Buell, Esq., died, in his 13th year, from the effects of injuries received by the fall of a Liberty Pole, by which his skull was fractured on the 11th of September previous.

Election in 1830:

There were two party tickets before the people, but neither appears to have had a definite name. The Jackson men (Administration) sometimes called themselves "Democratic Republicans"; the Opposition, "National Republicans." The former, in a year or two afterwards became Democrats, the latter Whigs. The opponents of Jackson triumphed in the county and state.

The vote stood in the county, the Jackson men being designated by a *, as follows: For Governor, Duncan McArthur of Ross Co., 770; Robert Lucas*, of Pike Co., 645. For Congress, Samuel F. Vinton, 779; Col. Joseph Barker*, 622. For Representative, Joseph Barker, Jr., 749; Isaac Humphreys, 338. For Sheriff, Robert R. green, 772; Samuel H. Gates, 630. For Commissioner Anselm T. Nye, 742; Philip Cole, 643. For Coroner, Griffin Greene, 740, John P. Wightman, 631.

Marietta voted - McArthur, 180; Lucas, 111. 

For Congress, Mr. Vinton received in the District, 4,989 votes; Col Barker, 1,631.

Marriages in 1830:

Jan. 14, in Newport, Presley Tuell and Mary Bell.
Jan 21st, George Compton and Mary P. Dana.
Feb. 10, Adolphus Mason of Union and Betsey B. Devol of Waterford.
Feb. 11th, Seneca Cowee of Union and Harriet McAtee of Waterford.
Feb. 11th, Reuben R. Waterman of Morgan Co., and Mary Ann McAtee.
March 18, Frederick Shipman and Maria Bailey.
March 25th, William C. Flake and Valeria Hays.
March 26th, William Murray and Eleanor Hayden.
March 28th, Philip V. Thorniley and Nancy Martin.
April 8, Jesse Beach and Elizabeth Beswick, both of Watertown.
April 15th, Rowland Perry and Mary Kelly.
April 15th, Ebenezer Corey and Jerusha Fenn.
April 22d, Charles Samuel Swartwort Baron of Belmont Co. and Miss Mary Wilhemine Fustine Caroline Louise Fredericke Zeigler of Marietta (4 names married to 7!).
April 27, Rev. Addison Kingsbury of Belpre and Emma Little, sister of Rev. Jacob Little of Granville.
April 29th, Joseph Anders and Adaline Smith.
April 29th, James S. Stowe of Union and Anna Merriam of Adams.
May 9, Enoch Hoff and Mrs. Jemima Smith.
May 27th, James McClellan and Esther C. Stone, both of Belpre.
May 27th, Abner D. Westgate and Calrina Waterman.
May 30th, Jonathan Middleswart of Newport and Mary Racer of Marietta.
June 3, James B. Mathews and Miss Mary, daughter of Capt. Daniel Greene.
June 17th, Thomas Rogers and Mrs. Eleanor Hutchinson of Barlow.
June 17th, L. C. McClenathan and Julia Ford, in Watertown.
July 4, George W. Longfellow and Catharine Judd, both of Adams.
July 23d, James Layhugh of Athens Co. and Ruth Dye of Marietta.
Aug. 2, William P. Olney and Anna Bartlett.
Aug. 4th, Isaac N. Bishop and Lucetta Seeley of Waterford.
Aug. 8th, Henry Barrett and Sarah Lincoln.
Aug. 8th, Isaac Humphreys, Esq., and Mary S. McKenny.
Aug. 12th, Joseph Phillips and Margaret Terry.
Aug. 15th, Lewis Barnes and Parmela Sloan, both of Belpre.
Sept. 2, Abner Devol and Clarinda Mason, in Adams.
Sept. 5th, Lyman Stacy and Elizabeth Perrin, in Union.
Sept. 23d, David McKibben of Lawrence and Hannah Kerr of Newport.
Sept. 23d, Abram Hill and Sarah Britton, in Fearing.
Sept. 23d, Rev. William Herr and Sarah whitney.
Sept. 23d, Joseph Skinner and Julia A. Kaylor.
Oct. 28, Homer L. Wedge and Mary S. Whiting, both of Belpre.
Oct. 28, James L. Baldwin and Cynthia Wells, both of Adams.
Nov. 11, Abram H. Seevers of Fearing and Lucinda Kinzor of Newport.
Nov. 28th, Hugh H. Wheatley and Deborah Clogston. 
Dec. 3, Daniel H. Goodno of Belpre and Mary C. Prentiss of Wood Co., Va.
Dec. 5th, Thomas Porter and Mary Still of Salem.
Dec. 15th, Luther Edgerton and Elizabeth Morgan of Washington, Pa.
Dec. 19th, Isaac Maxon and Rebecca Hildreth.
Dec. 20th, Calvin Hildreth and Susan E. Maxon.

Deaths in 1830:

March 17, Capt. John Phillips, aged 66.
Apr. 10, in McConnelsville, Augustus Hanson, formerly of Marietta.
Apr. 17th, in Aurelius, Nancy Emily Chamberlain.
Apr. 26th, Capt. Joseph Bosworth, 73.
May 8, in  Wood Co., Va., Christian Schultz, Esq.
July 11, in Gallipolis, Dr. Nathan H. McIntosh, 30.
July 28th, William Mixer.
Aug. 12, in Fearing, Horace Toothaker, 23.
Aug. 22d, in Adams, William Davis, Jr.
Oct. 10, in Portsmouth, Susan Phillips, formerly of Marietta, 19.
Nov. 8, Miss Betsey Putnam.

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