Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Houses and Lots for Sale in Marietta

 The Marietta Intelligencer, September 16, 1847

The undersigned offers for sale many eligible Town Lots with Dwelling Houses, worthy the attention of those who desire a residence in Marietta, among which are the following:

Ward's Brick Block - being four distinct two-story dwellings on Second Street, above Scammel - built in modern style, with outhouses convenient; excellent well water, and cisterns to each.

Also, the Darrow House and Lot, corner of Putnam and 5th streets. A large and commodious two-story Frame House near the College - very suitable for a Boarding House - good well and soft water on the premises.

Also, the Johnson House and lot, on Fifth, above Worcester Street, nearly opposite Major Clark's, a large and roomy two-story frame, pleasantly situated, with a good sized Barn.

Also, a small Frame House and Barn, and lot No. 419, on 7th below Washington St.

Also, a small Frame House, and lot No. 321, Washington St.

Also, Frame House and Lot No 322, Washington St. - a very desirable residence.

Also, a large two-story Frame House and lot No 133, near Vinton's Tannery.

Also, a large modern built, two-story Frame House and lot, being the northern part of lot No. 501; Second below Wooster Street; now occupied by Mr. Kelley.

Also, the Kelley House and lot, No. 514; 2d below Wooster streets; a very neat and comfortable residence.

Also, the Gidley House and lot; a two-story frame near the Foundry, Harmar - good cellar, cistern and barn.

Also, the McCoy House and lot, 40 feet by 33, on town lot No. 9, Harmar - a two-story Frame, fronting on the common.

Also, the Skinner Mansion House and lot, No 6, large and commodious, recently fully repaired, fronting on the river - is one of the most desirable residences in Harmar.

The foregoing property will be sold low. Terms liberal. Title undisputed.

Nahum Ward

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