Sunday, September 11, 2022

Old Marietta Papers - Number 36

 The Marietta Register, June 10, 1864

"Old Marietta Papers" was a series of columns compiled and published in 1863 and 1864 by Rodney M. Stimson, editor of "The Marietta Register."

J. H. Devol has kindly brought us a few more numbers of the Marietta Gazette of 1838 and 1839.

Jan. 1838, Oliver Rice Loring of Belpre was elected by the Legislature one of the Associate Judges of this county.

April 7, 1838, there was a half-century celebration of the first settlement in Marietta. Henry Fearing was Chief Marshal. George M. Woodbridge, Esq., delivered the oration at the Congregational Church. Dinner at the Mansion House - Col. Joseph Barker, President; Ephraim Cutler and Joseph Barker, Jr., Vice Presidents. The singing was under the direction of Beman Gates; also the College Band performed during the day under the lead of Samuel Hall, one of the graduates of that year, in the first College Class. Among the volunteer toasts was one: "To the memory of Judge Gilbert Devol and his son Gilbert, who caught a pike (fish), which was seven feet long and weighed 94 pounds, in the Muskingum, after chasing him three miles in a light canoe - and which was served for dinner on the 4th of July, 1788."

April 8, 1838, Hugh Breckenridge of Barlow died of an injury received the evening before, being struck on the head by the falling of a rafter while engaged in raising a barn. He was forty years of age and came from Scotland in 1820.

April 12, 1838, the law firm of Whittlesey & Harte was first advertised.

April 21, 1838, the first meeting of the Stockholders of the Marietta and Newport Turnpike Road and Bridge Co., was held at the Mansion House to elect five Directors.

May 10, 1838, public sale of lots in Lowell. Among the advantages of Lowell mentioned were - "in the midst of a fertile, healthy and thickly settled region of country;" "daily mail;" "high dam, connected with the Muskingum Slackwater Improvement, about to be erected; canal and locks, giving the place extensive water power for manufacturing purposes;" "steamboat navigation at all seasons."

May 7, 1838, the first meeting of the Farmers' Duck Bridge Co. stockholders was held at the Court House under act passed by the Legislatures, Feb. 10, 1838.

May 8, 1838, Edward Deming, son of Simeon Deming, Jr., was killed in Watertown in his 13th year. He was assisting his uncle in hauling logs from a side hill to a mill. Being on the lower side, two logs started and rolled over him.

July 4, 1838, celebrated in Marietta by the "Mechanics Lyceum" - Isaac Maxon, Chief Marshal; John Test, Assistant Marshal. At the Baptist church, the Declaration of Independence was ready by ____ Fuller, and an oration was delivered by Charles Hendrie. Dinner at the Mansion House, Col. Joseph Barker presiding, assisted by Argulus Pixley. Toasts were given by Col. Barker, Robert Smith, Isaac moss, Thomas J. Clogston, James M. Booth, John Greiner, William West, S. Dewey, Matthias Moot, J. G. Glidden, E. Gates, and others.


Feb. 22, 1838, Robert T. Miller and Marietta Fuller.
Feb. 27th, 1838, William H. Leonard and Julia Ann Nott.
May 6, Lovell P. Wheeler and Angelina Gill.
June 28, in Marietta Township, Mrs. Mary Chaddock, aged 57, to William McClintick, aged 22.
This happy match, by Hymen crowned,
Heaven bless their nuptial joys!
And as successive years roll round,
Fill their cups with girls and boys.
Oct. 17, 1838, Nathan Bell of Barlow and Charlotte Bell of Newport.
Oct. 18th, Alvin Reckard of Marietta and Hester Q. Brown of Fearing.
March 24, 1839, Rev. William Perry and Mary Ann Reckard of Marietta.
Sept. 1, 1839, Parley Brown and Miss C. H. Shaw, both of Waterford.
Sept. 1, Joseph Bell of Newport and Deborah Williamson of Marietta.

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