Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Lizzie Beal

The Marietta Times, October 26, 1882

A dispatch from Columbus to the Cincinnati Enquirer of Tuesday contains the following: "Six months ago a young woman named Lizzie Beal came here from Athens, her people now residing in Marietta. She has been engaged about town as a domestic, and formed the acquaintance of Lucas, a cigar-maker. He left a month ago, and it has developed in the last week or so that the girl was in an interesting condition and told certain parties she was going to have an operation performed. There are statements showing that she made a partial contract with a certain physician. It is reported tonight that the girl is very low and not expected to live, though the family allows no one to enter the room, and give out information sparingly. From the best information to be had there seems no doubt but the girl has been subject to a criminal operation, and that she will die from the effects.

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