Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Steam Boat

 Western Spectator, November 2, 1811

Lately built at Pittsburg, passed this place on Wednesday the 23d ult. Her appearance was very elegant and her sailing beyond any thing we have ever witnessed. We understand that by observation of Judge Fearing she was but fifteen minutes in passing from the foot of the island, where she disappeared below - a distance of 3 or 3-1/2 miles - so that she must have gone at the rate of 12 or 14 miles an hour!

We extract the following observations from the Pittsburgh Gazette:

With pleasure we announce, that the Steam Boat lately built at this place by Mr. Rosevelt (from an experiment made on Tuesday last) fully answers the most sanguine expectations that were formed of her sailing.

She is 150 feet keel, 450 tons burthen, and built with the best materials and in the most substantial manner. Her cabin is elegant, and the accommodations for passengers not surpassed.

We are told that she is intended as a regular packet between Natchez and New Orleans.

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