Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Baskets of Food Will Be Given Needy

The Marietta Daily Times, December 23, 1933

Christmas Cheer Will Be Brought Many Homes in County

Christmas cheer will be brought to many poor families in Marietta through the distribution of Christmas baskets, each with food enough for a bounteous Christmas dinner. The fraternal organizations of the city, each with its list of private charity cases in the confines of the lodges, are doing their work in distributing food and relief where it is needed.

The Salvation Army, general medium for the distribution for the poor and needy families of the city is arranging to send out 100 baskets that are needed. Although contributions this year are far below the cost of furnishing the 100 baskets, Captain Garland has carried through his original plans confident that generous citizens will come to the rescue and make up the deficit in expense. Today, Saturday, marks the last opportunity Mariettans will have to contribute to the Salvation Army Christmas fund.

The 117 children at the Washington County Children's Home will enjoy a chicken dinner at noon on Christmas Day, and there will be all the good things that make a Christmas dinner. The Santa Claus of the home will make the distribution of Christmas gifts to all the children on Christmas morning, when he will hand down the presents from a large Christmas tree in the dining room. The Christmas dinner table will be decorated with greenery and small lighted trees. The children presented their annual Christmas program at the First Methodist Church on Friday evening before a capacity audience. The program was much enjoyed.

The Woman's Welfare League assisted by the Boy Scouts will fill the baskets in the Salvation Army building this evening and deliver them Sunday afternoon in time for the holiday. 

The Times-Auditorium benefit show on Saturday morning brought in a splendid collection of canned goods and provisions which will prove of great assistance in supplying bountiful Christmas dinners.

The Salvation Army is offering an attractive Christmas season schedule. Sunday morning the program will include special singing and a sermon on "The Gift of the Ages." A pageant will be given Sunday evening at a Christmas Candlelight Service. Mariettans are given a cordial invitation to attend these special programs.

Superintendent and Mrs. L. A. Hall of Washington County Infirmary have arranged for a Belgian hare dinner for the inmates of the home on Monday, and there will be all the trimmings. There are 90 men and women in the county home family, all able to enjoy the dinner. There will be a boiled beef dinner on Sunday on account of the double holiday. One of the classes of the First Baptist Church will present a program at the home at 2 p.m. on Sunday, and there will be distribution of a Christmas treat.

American Legion Auxiliary of Marietta Post No. 64, according to its annual custom of looking after Christmas cheer among World War veterans in Marietta and Washington County will send out a quota of Christmas baskets for families of needy veterans.

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