Wednesday, January 25, 2023

New Suburb of Walnut Hills

 The Daily Register, May 24, 1902

A Stock Company is Being Formed to Lay Out Another Addition

Marietta with its rapid growth is to have a new suburban addition and it will be second to none that have been laid out and placed before the public in recent years. What has hitherto been known as Scherer's Hill, a farm of fifty-five acres lying on top of the hill above the junction of Seventh and Greene streets, was some time ago optioned by a number of Marietta gentlemen, who have since been engaged in forming a company to handle the tract. 

The company is being perfected today and will be known as the Walnut Hills Land Company, with a capital stock of $20,000. The papers asking for articles of incorporation were forwarded to Columbus this afternoon, and the charter will probably be received in a very few days. Those who applied for articles are F. L. Alexander, W. S. Pattin, F. P. Morse, G. W. Strecker, and S. A. Palmer.

The tract is one of the finest for the purpose intended that has yet been taken up. The view is one of the prettiest in the Ohio valley, commanding as it does a view of the valley for miles up and down the stream. The land starts at the point of the hill above the junction of Seventh and Greene streets and runs along parallel to Greene street on the south, parallel to Seventh on the west, and following the natural curvature of the hill, extends beyond Norwood on the east.

The company, as soon as organized, will have the land platted and placed on the market. It is likely that the platting will be somewhat novel and that an experienced engineer, who makes a specialty of this line of work, will be brought here to do the work. It is the purpose of the company to at once lay out a new road of easy grade up the hill. We predict for Walnut Hills a success from the start.

Bridget Scherer's Land, from Cram's Atlas of Marietta (1902)

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