Wednesday, February 15, 2023

African American Schools


The Marietta Intelligencer, August 2, 1849

The Board of Education for the town of Marietta, deeming it inexpedient to admit colored children into the regular common schools established in said town, have, as required by law, created a school district for colored persons in said town, embracing all the territory within the corporate limits thereof. And the adult male colored tax payers residing in said district are hereby notified to meet at the School House near T. P. Harshbergers Shop on Front Street on Saturday, the 11th day of August next at 2 o'clock P.M. and choose their School directors in accordance with the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio entitled "an act to authorize the establishment of separate schools for the education of colored children and for other purposes, passed February 10th, 1840.

By order of the Board of Education for the Town of Marietta.

E. H. Allen, Sec'y, pro tem

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School Room for Colored Youth

The Marietta Register, December 9, 1875

At a recent meeting of the Board of Education of Marietta, a committee previously appointed for the purpose, made the following report concerning a school building for the colored youth of the city:

To the Board of Education:

Communication of A. Jackson proposing to sell a building and lot for the Colored School, together with the order that said communication and the question of providing adequate accommodation for the colored youth, be referred to the committee on repairs - received our immediate attention.

The first school day after this reference, we visited the Colored School and were more than gratified to find it in so prosperous condition. The number of scholars almost double that of any former period, and the progress and prospects of the school are very promising. The building we found in the same condition it was after the repairs of last year, but the increased number of scholars, demanding more seats, and some for larger scholars. Without the loss of a school day, those seats were provided, and for the last three weeks the teacher and scholars have been enjoying the change.

The members of the Board have several times looked at the present building and examined other property with the impression that the present building was not in all respects suitable. Your committee have no additional reasons to give, other than those which have heretofore been brought to the attention of the Board for building or purchasing, unless it be the increased number of scholars.

In our examinations, we have learned that 27 of the present attendants of the school live above Putnam Street, and eight below Putnam Street, and the latter quite far away from the present building. Others, but a very few, live near the corporation line north of Washington Street. Accompanying this report will be found the names and places of residence of all enrolled, also a plat explaining the relative place of abode of each scholar.

G. M. Woodbridge
Jacob Miller

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