Wednesday, March 29, 2023

County Will Get Butter, Pork

The Marietta Daily Times, December 7, 1933:

D. Ray Metzger of Columbus, field agent of the Ohio State Relief Commission, spent Thursday in Marietta and made the announcement that a car load each of federal pork and butter will arrive in Marietta next Monday for relief distribution. The commodities will be consigned to the C. L. Bailey Grocery Company and distribution to various parts of Marietta and Washington County will be made at once following the arrival of the train.

Frank Buckley will be in charge of distribution for Washington County. There are 12 distributing points in Marietta and about 30 places in Washington County

Foodstuffs have been apportioned on the basis of 10 pounds of salt pork per family on relief while butter will average four pounds per family for each week. Of this amount, Washington County will require 7,480 pounds of pork and 2,903 pounds of butter.

Noble County families on relief will receive 370 pounds of pork and 146 pounds of butter, according to allotments assigned to Ohio counties. The allotment four Morgan County is 1,940 pounds of pork and 778 pounds of butter.

The Marietta Daily Times, December 8, 1933:

Food Allotment Plan Announced

Frank Buckley, federal food distributor in Marietta and Washington County, announces that a program of food allotment has been worked out for distribution of pork and butter. The federal relief will go to families where the head of the family is not employed on either public or private projects. Indications are that the federal relief will be extended during the winter months.

About 300 families in Marietta and 630 in Washington County will be aided through federal food relief, and this number will total about 4,500 people to be helped in the county and city. Allotments of pork and butter will be received in Marietta monthly for weekly distribution, according to present plans, as announced by Mr. Buckley.

According to the schedule, a family of from one to four persons will receive two and a half pounds of pork per week; a family of from five to seven persons will receive four pounds of pork; a family of from eight to 10 persons will receive six pounds of pork; and families with 11 or more members will be allotted eight pounds of pork. Apportionment of butter will be made in proportion to the size of the families. The federal relief commodities will arrive in Marietta early next week.

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