Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Lower Muskingum Ferry

 Marietta Gazette, July 24, 1841

Sealed proposals will be received at the Mayor's Office in Harmar until the 29th inst. for leasing, for the term of two years, from the 1st day of August next, the Lower Muskingum Ferry; the lessee to be governed by the provisions of the Ordinance regulating the Lower Muskingum Ferry, passed July 20, 1841, and to give security for the payment of the rent semi-annually. The Council reserve the right to reject all offers, if not satisfactory.

James Whitney, Mayor
Harmar, July 24, 1841.

An Ordinance,
Regulating the Lower Muskingum Ferry.

Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Trustees of the Town of Harmar, that the Town Council may lease the Ferry across the Muskingum river, below the dam, upon such conditions and for such length of time as the said Council shall prescribe.

Sec. 2. That the lessee or lessees of said Ferry shall provide and keep in complete repair, good and sufficient boats for the safe and speedy conveyance of persons and property, and shall, at all time, when the river is passable, give due attendance, with a sufficient number of hands to work and manage said boats, from sunrise in the morning until nine o'clock in the evening; and for a failure or neglect to perform the duty herein enjoined, the said lessee or lessees shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding five dollars to be recovered, on complaint, before the Mayor, in the name of the town, with cost of suit.

Sec 3. That the sum to be charged any inhabitant of the Town of Marietta or Harmar, who may choose to be ferried by the year, shall not exceed the following rates: For any single person crossing on foot, not exceeding two dollars per year. For any family crossing on foot, no exceeding four dollars per year. For any family crossing on foot, and with horse or horses and carriages, not exceeding six dollars per year.

Sec. 4. That when any such inhabitants of the Town of Marietta or Harmar, and the lessee of said Ferry cannot agree as to the sum to be paid by the year, or when any person resident as aforesaid, may wish to contract to cross the Ferry with teams, and cannot agree as to the sum to be paid, the matter shall be referred to the Mayor and Recorder of the Town of Harmar, whose decision shall be final.

Sec. 5 That in fixing the amount to be paid for crossing the Ferry by the year, due regard shall be had to the amount of crossing, so as to preserve a proper and just proportion between different individuals.

Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in force from and after the first day of August next. 

Passed July 20, 1841.

James Whitney, Mayor.
Attest, Douglas Putnam, Rec. pro tem.

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