Wednesday, September 13, 2023

From Cutler

The Marietta Register, March 13, 1879

Mr. Editor:

Seeing sketches from about every village throughout the county, I think it expedient to drop you an item from this quarter, which may interest a part of your several readers. Though our town does not consist of immense proportions, it affords two well-regulated stores, a watch and jewelry shop, hotel, village school, and the homes of several well-respected families.

Since we are remote upon the "Old Line," we have the visits of Rariden semi-weekly, with his variety train, which adds materially to our commercial interest, as well as to the facility of the traveler. Pat is a good fellow, and by his willingness to accommodate and genial disposing character has won the respect and confidence of the public which is richly merited. We only regret that he cannot run a daily train.

We are favored with medical assistance by Dr. Trickle, who hailed recently from Meigs County, and intends making his permanent home with us. He comes well-recommended and is fast building up a practice, which, we trust, will be lasting and remunerative.

Samuel Algeo, a late resident of Washington County, who left here in company with J. H. Newell to find a home in Kansas, is among us on a visit for a short time. He brings a flattering report of his new home, which he intends to adorn on his return with a wife, since he has just married a Miss Jennie Ladd, of Athens County.

We regret the loss of one of our best citizens, Conrad Miller, aged 72 years, died February 12th, having been a resident of Washington County 42 years. He was one of the pioneers who took the west side of this county from the stump. The honest dollar by honest labor ever being his motto, he succeeded in gaining considerable property which he leaves to his heirs.



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