Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Waif Given a Home

Marietta Daily Leader, April 7, 1899

Ray H. Van Armor, the two-year-old child who was found in a basket on the doorstep of the residence of Dr. S. D. Hart on Fourth Street when he was a small infant, was formally adopted by the family who have had him in charge since that time. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Huffman [Stephen G. Hoffman] who live on the West Side have been taking care of the little fellow and decided to formally adopt him, which was done Wednesday, Probate Judge Rood issuing the necessary papers to make him the child in law of Mr. and Mrs. Huffman [Hoffman]. He was given the name of Glenn Howard Huffman. [Glenn Howard Hoffman].

The child's parentage is unknown and likely will never be disclosed. The baby was found nearly two years ago on the doorstep of Dr. Hart, the people who left it there no doubt thinking that as the Doctor had been so long in charge of the children's home that he would be very capable of caring properly for the infant.


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