Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Lovell Buys Cram Home

The Marietta Daily Times, June 21, 1919

One of the biggest real estate deals ever consummated in Marietta was closed Saturday morning when W. J. Cram disposed of the fine residence property, "Hemlock on the Muskingum," to J. A. Lovell.

The consideration, although not made public, is understood to have been $32,000.

The property, which consists of about 24 acres, has two fine dwellings on it, and is one of the most beautiful and magnificent in the Muskingum valley. After making some improvements and additions, Mr. Lovell and family will occupy the residence about the first of September. Mr. Cram and family have made their home in one of the residences while Miss Grace Cram occupied the other.

Mr. Cram, who had owned the Muskingum River property for 21 years, on Thursday purchased from the Marietta City Board of Education, the old Franks property on Second Street. He will begin at once to improve this property, but will retain the colonial style of architecture.

The sale was made by the Flanders Bros. Real Estate Agency.


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