Monday, June 15, 2009

Court of Common Pleas

The Home News, May 30 1862

The Common Pleas Court closed the Spring term on Wednesday, Judge Johnson, on Monday, succeeded Judge Welch.

Lagrange and Taylor, indicted, for breaking into the grocery of Sinclair at Stanleyville, and stealing goods, were acquitted. A material witness had left the State. Thomas Carter, a "culled pusson," received marching orders for a three years residence in Columbus, for burglary and robbery. Robert Rogers, for stabbing Gerd Wendelken, was fined $5 and costs and sent to Winsor Castle for ten days. Mary Steed plead guilty to the charge of petit larceny and was sentenced to pay $5 and costs. The attempt to indict a spirited young lady in the lower end of the county for carrying concealed weapons failed. We hope Fannie will be a good girl hereafter, and not challenge the schoolmaster. The latter has gone to the war.

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