Monday, June 15, 2009

Plowing Match

The Home News, April 4, 1862

The annual Plowing Match of the "Home Agricultural Society" took place on the farm of J. J. Hollister, in Dunham township, on Friday, the 14th of March. The plowmen were divided into two classes of five each -- one of men an the other of boys. The awarding committee, consisting of James Goodno, Thomas Breckenridge and Neil Connolly, adjudged the premiums to the following persons:

Class of Boys
1. Daniel Shaw of Dunham.
2. Peter McKay of Barlow.
3. James Brown Jr. of Dunham.
4. James Reid of Belpre.
5. G. W. Sayers of Belpre.

Class of Men
1. John Drain of Belpre.
2. John Kelley of Dunham.
3. Robert Dunlap of Barlow.
4. Alexander McTaggart of Dunham.
5. I. W. Putnam of Belpre.

Considerable interest was manifested, and each person present seemed desirous of holding the plow handle. Secretary Needham informs us that the plowing will compare favorably with any in the county, and that the young plowmen of the occasion cannot be beaten by any of their years.

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