Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Court of Common Pleas

The Home News, February 28, 1862

The Court of Common Pleas met on Monday and is still in session. There is little business of importance being transacted and the attendance is slim. Judge Welch presides over its deliberations with great dignity, tempering business with an occasional joke. Judge Nash is present; attending to some professional business under the same judge who was practicing at the bar last term under his dispensation. We dropped into the Court House the other day and found it rather dull. The few spectators looked sleepy; the case was uninteresting – something about cord wood, a scythe snath and a truck patch, and after hearing one lawyer’s opinion on the proper time to gather a crop of pickles, we left.

Indictments. – The Grand Jury have found bills in the name of the State of Ohio, against the following individuals for the various offenses stated below.

Chas. E. Frost and Harvey Fletcher, burglary; Wm. E. Carter, Petit Larceny; John Hawkins, breaking into the Mansion House with intent to commit personal violence; Michael Mack, et al, and Adam Miller, Assault and Battery; Josiah Henderson, keeping ferry without license; Robert Rogers, shooting with intent to kill and commit murder.

Licenses. – During the present term of court, licenses have been granted to P. O. Dodge to keep a ferry across the Muskingum River at Beverly; to John McCaddon and Joshua Craig to keep tavern at the same place for one year, and to Hervey Devol to keep ferry across the Muskingum at Adolphus Mason’s ferry, upper Lowell.

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