Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First Civil War Martyr

The Home News, January 18, 1862

The first martyr who has fallen on the field in the cause of his dear country from this county, was brought up on the Ohio No. 3 on Sunday morning. Albert Leonard, a son of Elder J. D. Leonard, of Matamoras, and a member of Capt. Neal’s company, 2d Virginia Cavalry, was killed on Tuesday of last week, in the pursuit of Humphrey Marshal’s flying rebels, near Paintsville, in Eastern Kentucky. He was in the advance and as he turned a curve in the road, was fired upon by concealed traitors. He was shot through the head and instantly killed – one other, a young man from Ironton, being also killed. Young Leonard’s remains were sent to his afflicted family on Monday, and returned, on Tuesday evening. An escort from the 63d regiment received the body at the wharfboat and conveyed it in an ambulance to the Baptist church. The funeral took place on Wednesday forenoon, and was attended by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances, by whom the brave young man was greatly esteemed. His body was buried with military honors.

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