Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First Families

The Home News, March 7, 1862

It may not be generally known that Marietta probably contains more relatives of persons who have been famous in our past and present history than almost any other town of its size in the west. The descendants of Revolutionary officers are well represented here. We have families among us who can claim kindred with Gens. Washington, Ward, Putnam, Morgan, Cass, Ripley and Meigs, of bygone days, and Gens. Lane, Buell and Curtis, engaged in the present war. Gen. Buell’s mother, Mrs. Dunlevy, has long been a resident of this place. Dr. Hildreth’s Pioneer History has established the fact that almost all of our older citizens have a share of the honor of being descended from Pioneer stock. Marietta is largely represented in the present war in the way of Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Captains, Lieutenants, &c., but how many will distinguish themselves, as telegraphers say, “remains to be seen.” We hope, however, that a majority of them are destined to make their mark in history, and that old Marietta will hereafter be proud to claim them as her children.

We have a thorough republican contempt for the cant of “gentle blood,” “old stock,” “first families,” &c., and hold that the only first family on record is Adam’s. Our readers will, of course, understand that we have not mentioned the facts above through any spirit of toady-ism, and our people are too sensible to boast of them.

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