Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Soldier’s Money

The Home News, January 11, 1862

Capt. T. W. Moore, of the 36th regiment, arrived from Summersville, Va. on Monday, which place he left on Tuesday of last week. He was the custodian of over $12,000, which the soldiers of his own and Capt. Devol’s companies, and a few others sent to their families and friends. Below we publish a list of those from whom the money came, to whom it is to be paid and the amount. The average from each soldier – excluding commissioned officers, is $60 – a very creditable saving. It is probably that about $15,000 will reach this county from the 36th regiment.

The following sums will be paid on demand at W. B. Thomas’ store, Marietta:

Herman E. Davis to Freeman Davis, $60
Salathiel Ladd to John A. Ladd, 60
John Schaeffer to Jacob Wharton, 45
Lyman D. Perrin to George P. Smith, 85
Seldon S. Stow to James S. Stow, 60
Joel E. Story to A. R. Story, 60
Gustavus A. Wood to W. B. Thomas, 50
Hildreth Davis to Evilga P. Davis, 60
William Marshall to Thomas G. Marshall, 60
Church Severance to Frances Severance, 50
William Barnhart to Catharine Barnhart, 50
Benjamin Bragg to James Ward, 70
Charles W. Perkins to Royal A. Perkins, 50
Alex C. Devol to John B. Devol, 30
Joseph A. Ormiston to John Ormiston, 50
Hardison Poisin to Hugh Morris, 50
George Long to William Long, 50
John Living to Henry Living, 50
John B. Oliver to Andrew Fraig, Jr, 105
Silas A. Devol to William Devol, 50
Charles S. Griggs to William W. Griggs, 25
W. W. Harwood to S. F. Seeley, 60
Zebulon Nixon to John H. Carter, 55
Allen C. Morris to A. Z. Morris, 50
Jacob Zangblat to Peter Zangblat, 20
H. W. Hill to Thomas Hill, 28
Thos. P. Jackson to Hugh G. Jackson, 60
George W. Putnam to L. J. P. Putnam, 95
Stephen C. Devol to Theodore Devol, 60
Daniel Owen to Eliza Jane Owen, 35
John Summers to Benjamin Summers, 60
James W. Ross to C. C. Brigham, 60
Jacob Woster to Adam Woster, 55
James Zollars to Catharine Zollars, 50
Simeon M. Devol to J. B. Devol, 50
Amos Wilson to Charles Wilson, 55
John Smith to Margaret Smith, 55
Robert Nesselroad to George Davidson, 45
John S. Davis to Sm. P. Davis, 50
Miles A. Story to O. A. Story, 90
Jerry Unger to Jacob Unger, 60
Goodriel B. Grubb to William McCarty, 125
Francis McAtee to Dudley McAtee, 55
Oscar I. Owens to James B. Wilson, 60
Ely G. Wilson to James B. Wilson, 55
Charles H. Devol to B. F. Devol, 60
Cortland Sheppard to C. Sheppard, 50
E. H. DeWolf to E. DeWolf of Penn., 75
William Barton to Thomas Ellison, 25
Purley Neselroad to George Davidson, 50
Isaac S. Palmer to Watson Chamberlin, 55
William Ross to Daniel Ross, 40
Albert D. Schaeffer to James R. Schaeffer, 55
Elijah McKendey to Elijah McKendey, 25
Ralph Crooks to S. F. Seely, 25
William Tullis to Susan Tullis, 50
Robert Israel to David Spencer, 60
Harris Devol to Mrs. Betsey Devol, 50
John Steed to Thomas Steed, 50
John C. Rigg to Eli L. Rigg, 50
Thomas O. Steed to Jane Steed, 40

The following will be paid by Capt. Moore at his store, Tunnel Station, except those marked with a star, which will be found at the Bank of Marietta:

John Louthan to William Ormiston, $45
W. W. Gilmore to Father, 50
Samuel Harvey to W. Fullerton, 70
Hugh Conley to Mother, 40
Alexander Blair to John Ormiston, 50
Alfred P. Beach to Rufus Beach, 55
Thomas Blair to Daniel Blair, 25
Riece Cooper to J. R. Cooper, 45
O. P. Louthan to William Ormiston & wife, 45
J. D. Johnson to E. Johnson, 20
Robert Harvey to Mother, 55
E. J. Saylor to Philip Moore, 70
Henry Green to Father, 55
William Morris to James Morris, 55
Harvey Green to William Green, 50
William Harvey to Bassil Harvey, 25
Amel Vincent to H. E. Vincent, 65
Aaron McKester to wife, 25
B. F. Brill to Father, 20
George Hoisington to wife, 50
E. P. Cowee to Jasper S. Sprague, 60
Benjamin Robinson to wife, 30
John Kuig to Abel Kuig, 50
E. J. Lawton to James Lawton, 50
Frank Cunningham to B. F. Cunningham, 15
Daniel Preston to Peter Preston, 25
David Hoffman to W. W. W. Hoffman, 70
Samuel Hoffman to David Hoffman, 15
Nicholas Clay to wife, 60
Arthur Lawton to wife, 55
Albert Penrose to Father, 50
Abraham P. Wilson to Wm. Wilson, 55
Sanderson Rogers to Father, 50
Simeon Evans to wife and Moore, 48
Frank Grey to wife, 20
W. Doherty to wife, 70
James Vaughn to wife, 50
James Malcomb to Father, 20
Harvey Cole to Father, 50
Sam. Skipton to Father, 50
James Hanna to Andrew Hanna, 50
M. F. Baker to R. D. Hollister & sister, 62
James Devore to William Devore, 10
Thomas Pierce to wife, 35
J. M. Strain to wife, 55
Syrano Dye to David Dye, 45
M. McGovern to J. McGovern, 25
Joseph Zearing to L. Zearing, 50
William Zearing to L. Zearing, 50
James Zearing to L. Zearing, 30
John Zearing to L. Zearing, 45
John Malcomb to S. Malcomb, 30
Henry Turrill to Sister, 30
Henry Grove to Augustine Grove, 50
Nicholas King to Hugh King, 50
C. W. Daniel – , 40
A. S. Hale to O. Hale, 45
William Hanna to Hugh Hanna, 55
Samuel Atkinson to John Callahan, 41
Luther C. Arbour to Joseph Brennan, 72
Charles DeLong to Sarah S. DeLong, 125
B. S. Wright to W. C. Wright, 60
John Morris to Wife, 55
Joseph Morris to M. Morris, 56
William Miracle to Gamron Miracle, 50
Jesse Miracle to James Miracle, 49
Daniel Bailey to W. Bailey, 38
Alonzo Riordan to Hiram Harris, 50
Hiram Skipton to Mother, 50
Madison R. Morse to Winslow Morse, 75
J. D. Wynn to R. A. Wynn, 75
Martin Schaeffer to M. Schaeffer, 52
Chaplain Fry to Mrs. N. G. Fry, 300
*Lieutenant E. Lindner to Mrs. Lindner, 425
James N. Patton to James Nesbitt, care of steam boat Albemarle or Eagle, 350
Lieutenant R. L. Nye to A. T. Nye, 525
William McGee to John Mills, 50
Lieut. Joseph Kelley to Henry Kelley, 300
Adam Meiser to Frank Meiser, 40
John Henry to Wife, 40
George McGee to John Mills, 40
Charles Turrill to wife and Moore, 40
William Bennett to David Merrill, 10
Gordon Bennett to William Bennett, 57
Simon Devore to Cynthia Devore, 40
*Major E. B. Andrews to Wife, 550
*Lieut. Colonel Clarke to Wife, 600
Ezra Chapman to Joseph Palmer, 60
James Haddow to Wife, 90
Lieutenant Tiffany – , 390
A. H. Alderman to Stephen Dunbar, 10
S. L. Grosvenor to Stephen Dunbar, 20
J. R. Alderman to Stephen Dunbar, 40
John Stewart to wife, 40
A. Wood to Mrs. Lucy Bell, 120

1 comment:

  1. Again, thank you for this blog. My fourth great grandfather, Luther Arbour, is mentioned in this list.

