Monday, March 22, 2010


American Friend, December 25, 1813

Mr. J. Mason, respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Marietta and its Vicinity, that he has opened a Writing School, at Mr. McFarlands, also at the schoolhouse at point Harmar, upon a New, Improved and Systematic Plan, for the benefit of those who wish to be, or have their children instructed.  Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a fair hand writing in a short and easy way, will apply immediately, as teaching by classes continues but a short time in a place.

Specimens and Improvements of those who have been instructed, to their perfect satisfaction, may be seen at his School-Rooms, which gentlemen are invited to call and examine.

Persons of a suitable age and tolerable capacity, may acquire a fair hand writing in one course of fifteen exercises, one hour and a half at each.

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