Friday, March 5, 2010

A Rare Opportunity

Marietta Gazette & Washington County Agriculturalist, June 29, 1839

J. W. Dodge, Artist from New York city, being unavoidably detained at Harmar, for a short season, would respectfully announce to its citizens, and also those of Marietta, and their vicinities, that he has decided, during his stay, to pursue his profession in the execution of Miniature Likenesses.  To those who wish to possess correct representations of themselves or friends, he would suggest the propriety of an early application.

His "studio" is at the house of Mr. John Delavergne where several specimens of his painting may be seen.

J. W. D., would remark, that he has in his possession, certificates from many of the best judges in the country, in proof of his miniatures being unsurpassed by those of any other Artist in the United States.

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