Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Agricultural Notice

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, September 20, 1826

The Agricultural Society of Washington County will meet in the lower room of the Court House in Marietta, on the third Wednesday of October next, being the 16th, at 10 o'clock, A.M. for the admission of members, and for the transaction of business.

At 11 A.M. the Society will form procession at the Court House, under Col. A. T. Nye, as Marshal of the day, and, with music, proceed to the First Society's meeting house, where the Throne of Grace will be addressed by the Rev. Mr. Bingham, and an address to the society by the President, Joseph Barker, jr. Esq.  At 12 o'clock will commence the inspection of the Stock, &c &c.  The several Committees will report to the society, to whom the premiums are to be awarded, in the Court Room, at 3 P.M. immediately after which, the Society, with such guests as may be invited, will partake of a dinner prepared for the occasion, if fair, in the avenue of Mr. Ward's Locust Walk, if not fair, in the avenue of the Court House.

The Committee of Arrangements will see that provision for all the stock is ready, free of expense.  Pens for the stock will be prepared in the square back of the Market House.

The Butter and Cheese, will, without doubt, be presented in the best order, labeled with the maker's name, and deposited in the front room of the building opposite Col. Mills' House.

The Butter and Cheese, which takes the premium on that day, can be exchanged for cash at the highest market price - and no doubt all the butter and cheese of good quality, offered for the premium on that day will meet a ready sale.

The Committee of Arrangements are pleased to make known, that any new and useful implements of husbandry, or improvements on those now in use, or of Domestic Manufacture, Linen, Flannel, Carpeting, &c. &c. and the rare and extraordinary productions of the soil, which have not been named for a premium, will most cheerfully and heartily, be received at the room where the butter and cheese is deposited, and will be taken care of, and exhibited to the Society on that day.

The fruits of the soil that may be presented to the table on that day will be gratefully accepted.

We are constrained to renew our request that our fellow citizens will come forth on that day and give countenance and support to the attempt we are now making for an improvement in our agricultural concerns; every class in the community is interested; and although highly flattered with the assurances of support, we cannot but urge every member to attend on that day with as many new recruits as have an interest in the welfare of the Society.

Nahum Ward,
S. P. Hildreth,
John Mills.
Committee of Arrangement.

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