Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Agricultural Society

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, October 11, 1826

It is with the utmost pleasure we state (from the best information) that the Agricultural Society of this county is fast increasing in numbers and respectability.  It is well known that an attempt was made several years since to form this society, but for want of that support which was due from the mass of the cultivators of the soil, it was suffered to languish for a number of years and was almost forgotten; the scene now appears to have changed; recently, an effort has been made to revive it by several enterprising gentlemen of this county, whose praiseworthy exertions are now rewarded by the flattering prospect of success. 

The interest which every resident in the county has in this institution, either immediately or remotely, ought to serve as a stimulant for them to extend every encouragement for its continuance and prosperity.  It is unnecessary to attempt at this time to point out to an enlightened people the many advantages they will eventually derive from it, to induce them to come forward and countenance an attempt of so much utility - let it suffice to say that emulation facilitates improvement and perfection - that agriculture is the first and most honorable of employments, susceptible of great improvement, and the only true basis of individual and national independence.

Wednesday next is the day set apart for the Agricultural Exhibition; at which time it is anticipated, there will be the largest assemblage of agriculturalists and other citizens from this and the adjoining counties that has ever taken place here, when, the liberal premiums which are offered, the rare collection of noble animals and the choice production of the soil will gratify the eye as well as the taste of the admiring spectator - and, we hope, will excite a desire in the breasts of those who may feel lukewarm on the subject, to improve so fine an opportunity as will present itself for every person to testify an interest in promoting the prosperity of the society.

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